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    Tuesday, April 14, 2009

    Rejoice in him always…

    I was leaving church a couple of weeks ago and I saw my friend BC leaving church with his wife.  BC just finished up serving our country in Afghanistan.   He was on the front lines and certainly in the line of fire.  When I saw BC, I remember saying ‘praise God.’  I’ve been thinking about this and I had it all wrong.  Here’s what I mean – even if something terrible had happened to BC I should still be saying ‘Praise God’ in the same way.   See we need to praise him no matter what the circumstance because he is there and in control.  He is not leaving us to the randomness of this world but using us for his purposes even though we may not understand.

    It says in Philippians Chapter 4:4 to…

    4:4 Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I say, rejoice!

    That always is the key…not hard to figure out – it means always.  It doesn’t say ‘Rejoice in the Lord when things are good.’ – ALWAYS.  Now is that easy?  Certainly not.  It becomes even harder to rejoice the harder circumstances in life are.  He will deliver you.  Maybe not in a way you believe to good at first but as time passes the good will emerge.

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