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    Thursday, April 22, 2010

    How do you capture memories?

    In the days following our Rock and Worship road show experience, we had a couple of different people either ask if we had more pictures or say ‘I can’t wait to see the pictures.’  Well we didn’t take a whole lot of pictures save a few with our phones.  Those phone pictures do not take the greatest photos.  The are usually blurry, out of focus, or the lighting just isn’t great.  Looking back at my phone they were just that low quality.  The most frustrating thing is that the camera that does take great shots was in my wife’s purse an arm’s length away.  Granted I have great, lasting memories of the show.  I think if I were honest I don’t know if I wanted to be snapping photos.  I was drinking in the moment.  If I start taking pictures, I end up not paying attention to the moments but more ‘getting the shot.’  My focus changes from enjoying the experience to trying to get a great picture.  Now, I do think it is possible to do both.  In fact I think that is the way it’s supposed to be.  Photos are great way to provide something tangible to the moment in our memory.  Something that can be shown years down the road when our memory isn’t so good.  So these experiences can live on and not get lost in the shuffle.  I just can’t bridge the gap.  Seems foreign to me to experience and capture at the same time.  It seems apparent to me that it will have to be a learned behavior.  On the drive home, I made a promise to myself to just put the camera in my hand when I attend events like this.  Maybe just maybe, I’ll experience the serendipity where I experience and capture a moment all at once.  So I ask how is it done?  How is that gap bridged?  I will be trying to learn how but does anyone out there have any tips for me?

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