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    Tuesday, January 12, 2010

    Week 1: Firing from the hip…

    We’re going to go bullets for the first blog post of twenty-o-ten.  I’ve made a resolution to be better at expressing ideas that bounce around this noggin of mine.  I don’t want to lose these thoughts so I resolved to express myself once a week.  We’ll see how it goes because I’ve never been a resolution guy. 

    So here we go….

    Mark McGwire – You were  one of my heroes when I was younger.  I begged my parents to take me to an Oakland A’s game when I was in sixth grade to see you and Canseco play.  While what you did was technically not against the rules back then, it was wrong.  I am glad you are finally talking about this.  I have no doubt you took your cues from Major League Baseball as they wanted to see how this panned out.  I think you could have diffused a lot of this if you came out in the forefront and be the first to admit and discuss this.




    Pete Carroll – Pretty big jump with some pretty big repercussions on the coaching carousel.  He leaves a pretty big seat on that carousel.  Granted there looms the big possibility of some NCAA sanctions on the horizon for the Men of Troy.  I think those gathering clouds affect the potential prospects to take that job.  Let’s look for Chris Petersen of Boise to become a player in this.


    yes man Huskers – Wow did three weeks off do them some good.  Drubbed the Arizona Wildcats 33-0 with a previously unseen offensive explosion.  The Arizona defensive staff looked dumbfounded.  I don’t blame them though.  If anyone watched film of us down the stretch, our playcalling was bland at best.  This game will do wonders for them this off-season. 


    Wearing Jerseys in Public – I had a facebook status update that besmirched grown men wearing jerseys in public.  I referred to going Kroger to pick up some groceries on a Thursday as opposed to actually wearing it to the game.  I gave a pass to those who wore them while in the stadium.  Here is another example of why one shouldn’t wear a jersey in public.


    Resolutions – Now I know I just said that I’m resolving to write in this more, but do resolutions really work?  I don’t think so.  Resolutions come off as a half-hearted attempt to commit to something.  If you really want a change, you need to commit to that change and let nothing stand in the way your desired change.  I may be on a soapbox here but it’s what I’ve learned in my short time on this ball. 


    Harry Reid – Why does he get a pass for what he said about Obama?  If it were a Republican or Conservative that said the same things there would be a firestorm.  A firestorm that would ultimately lead to a resignation in shame.



    Have a great new year.  Hopefully we will see more frequent observations this year.

    Friday, January 1, 2010

    A Pirate, a Pony, and a Chancellor walk into an equipment shed…


    Pride comes before destruction

    Proverbs 16:18

    This situation has been rehashed 14 different ways on TV, print, and the blogosphere.   Here is my take.  There are five characters at play in this tragedy.

    The Pirate :  The Head Coach.  He has built an impressive program that competes at the highest level in one of the top conferences in college football.  He took what was once a backwater program and brought them into the national discussion.  Attributed to an interesting personality and offense to match.  This success has afforded a great following with a fan base in west Texas that was looking for a collegiate outlet for their friday-night-lights football obsession.  This following afforded him some capital in the public forum.  Capital that led people and press to overlook a snide personality with his penchant to publicly explore other jobs.

    The Pony:  A former football great.  A former golden-boy running back who was deemed so worthy in high school that a University literally sold it’s soul to get him on campus.  He moved on to NFL glory and a career as a talking head on a major sports network.

    The Receiver:  Son of the Pony with the attitude to match.  Largely been reported that he had an air of entitlement to his personality and practiced that way.  His attitude drove his position coach and the Pirate nuts.

    The AD:  The poor soul who had to be the boss of an individual, the Pirate. who thought he had no boss.  He was fired from his old job as Basketball coach and received his previous job largely out of pity.  His predecessor leaves the school and puts him in the catbirds seat.

    The Chancellor:  A spectator in this whole circus.  A guy who loved the success of his schools football team but had to have heard what it was like dealing with the Pirate.

    Here is where I see the mistake was made.  Leach (The Pirate) let a lazy, entitled athlete with a reportedly overbearing, stage-dad get into his head.  If Adam James was such a bad teammate, Leach had many options to deal with him.  Sit young Adam on the bench, suspend him, or give him a signed release and leave it up to Adam to decide if he wants to stay or not.  Instead it appears he went Col. Nathan R. Jessup and tried to train Adam by locking him in various closets and sheds around the Lubbock Metropolitan area.  A big misread by the Pirate in this case.  The Receiver makes a call to the Pony and the public hype machine at the WWL gets fired up.  This unwanted hype and years of abrasiveness made the decision pretty easy to part ways.  All they asked him to do was apologize to the family and he refused (and not to diplomatically either).  Leach brought lawyers into it and filed a restraining order.  Leach’s representation said he couldn’t be suspended  because he didn’t have that clause in his contract.  So the Chancellor said exercised the termination clause.  IMO Leach has no one to blame but himself and his foolish pride.

    2009 in Review

    Boy a lot has happened over the past year.  I know you the reader sees a lot of these this time of year.  I’m going to give my spin on what I’ve seen over the past year.  It’ll end up being mediocre but then again I’m not the greatest writer (probably could tell by reading this).


    This year was really great for my family.  My oldest started 1st grade this year.  He and I are beginning to hold conversations now versus me ordering him around.  He is an interesting cat.  I love his take on things.  It keeps me young.

    His younger brother is 3 going on 15 now.  He has such an advanced view on life because of his older brother.  They will be partners in crime when they get older.

    My wife and I continue our journey together and it continues to be great.  I could write a whole lot more here but it wouldn’t do us justice.


    Lots of things happened this year.  I ran a half marathon in San Antonio.  It was as grueling as expected.  I went into it kind of hap-hazardly.  A friend of mine told me to run with him in it and I agreed for some reason.  The thought of running 13.1 miles continuously scared me to death especially since I’d never run more than a 6 mile distance in my life.  I found a Hal Higdon training program and stuck to it.  This experience taught me how to rely preparation.  John Wooden is famous for saying ‘Failing to prepare is preparing to fail.’  This became my rallying cry for this race.  I’ve applied this experience to all of the other aspects of my life.  Preparing for something only helps and never hurts.

    Goals for 2010

    I’ve made only one resolution for this upcoming year.  It is to write a blog article at least once a week about ‘whatever strikes a chord.’  I think I’ve figured out where ORaN fits in with my Facebook and Twitter pages.  Spent most of 09 trying to find it’s place and we’ll see how it transpires.  I hope you like it.