I’ve heard a lot of people end their salvation stories with, ‘…and that is when I found God.’ One of my favorite songs, ‘You found me’ starts with the words, ‘I found God on the corner of 1st and Amistad.’ Hearing this stuff really has me thinking and pondering who finds whom?
So which is it? Do we find him or does he find us? I know the natural response is that we find God because he is all knowing. God’s omnipotence means that he knows where we are and where we are going to be. So we aren’t lost in a location sense. This regular guy’s opinion is that we are lost because we take our eyes off of him or believe we can walk without him. Jesus talked in parables chasing after the lost sheep. The lost sheep doesn’t know it’s lost. The sheep is wandering off chasing some bright and shiny object. The shepherd sees the sheep wander off and has to go in pursuit to recover his property. Cross the streams, climb the rocks, and cut through the brush to bring his sheep back to the fold.
I may be way off but this is why I believe the God finds us. He sees wherever we are at. He crosses the streams, climbs the rocks, and cuts through the brush to bring us back with him. The sheep may realize that it’s in danger and my try to find its way home or run further away. Ultimately the shepherd finds the sheep and brings it home. No matter what we do he brings us home. So in my mind he finds us. What do you think?