(Jeff Kubina – Flickr)
Hello, my name is JoeMama and I’m a coffee addict…(Hello Joe says the room)
I absolutely love a good cup of coffee. I wouldn’t consider myself a coffee snob at all. I’ve drank coffee from just about every locale: truck stop, my kitchen, coffee shop big and small, from a coffee single, and I’ve even eaten instant coffee straight out of the jar. What can I say I love this stuff. To me there is nothing better than walking out to the dock very early in the morning when the water is like glass, sip my coffee, and say hello to the sunrise.
I digress. I’ll get to the point. There isn’t a coffee maker in my office area and I’m surrounded by non-drinkers. So when I need my fix, I’m left to suffer. We do have a near-boiling water tap nearby and I’ve used it along with some coffee singles. It’s okay but I need more. Better flavor. So the current debate I’ve got bouncing around in my head is the following three options
- Coffee Maker
- French Press
- Thermos
So lets do what any good engineer would do and weigh the pros and cons scientifically. Let’s take a look at what I need and then balance them against.
What I need – good coffee, not a lot of volume necessarily (32 oz max), and easily to clean/maintain (since it’s in my office.
Now to the pros/cons
Coffee Maker –
Pros: Makes a good coffee with whatever volume you need.
Cons: uses electricity, have to make sure you watch the burner so you don’t scorch, you have to ditch the filter everyday,
French Press
Pros: Makes great coffee with limited amount of volume, uses no electricity, easy to maintain (just dump and rinse)
Cons: Need certain size grind on your coffee, Need boiling water to make this happen.
Pros: Takes a finite amount of coffee anywhere, get a good thermos and you get a piping hot cup anytime anywhere. Pour and enjoy.
Cons: You have to brew ahead of time, another item to lug back and forth to work.
The verdict….
I need a good, warm cup of tasty java. I always am rushing out the door for work so I think that rules out brewing ahead of time. My schedule varies from day to day. Sometimes a ton of meetings. Sometimes not. This means I don’t have time to babysit a coffee maker. This is a sure bet that I’ll scorch a pot and end up having to scrape it. Looks like I’m going to give a run with the French press. Am I crazy?